Although there isn't any shortfall of concerned people, their tweets, prime-time debates, rightful suggestions, processions, promises, assurances, empathies, sympathies, etc. Ironically the scenario hasn’t improved a bit. It was a child this time, and the torture was similar too. The good news however is, that the police too was behaving the same, ignorant. To top it all, the … [Read more...]
East Dilli
East Dilli is located on the eastern bank of the Yamuna River and this part of the city is also called "Trans Yamuna" (or Jamna Paar) since in order to reach there, the river needs to be crossed. During old times, people used to live on one side of the river because of fear of invaders who used to take the river route to invade. This is the reason why Saddi Dilli was located on … [Read more...]